
Back in October I participated in an event called inktober. it was a fun little art challenge where you were given the prompt and you were to draw a picture in ink to Post online. for me it was definitely a challenge for I I'm not one to draw. However, I drew inspiration for this picture from the inside of Heinz Hall when me and two other friends went to go see one of my inspirations Markiplier perform live there for his You're Welcome Tour. I've never really been good at perspective but I was extremely proud how well the perspective of the inside of the theater came through.

Back in October, I did a challenge called inktober for this picture we had to do something mysterious. I chose Raven a girl from one of my favorite shows RWBY to play the part. Raven is the mysterious mom to one of the main four girls yang. not much is known about her yet other than her sheer power.

I did a challenge called inktober back in October, for this picture we had draw something with or on clouds. I chose to do a castle on a cloud from Les Miserables for inspiration.

for this drawing, I wanted to make something that was juicy. so I went with a girl wearing a hat full of juicy fruits.

we were tasks with the challenge to draw something that was teeming with life. I chose to do a garden full of flowers and butterflies. I wanted it to not only showcase the diversity of plants and bugs but to be colorful and enticing.


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