
This is Interactive Design video that I worked on. This interactive story is for interested CCBC design students. We wanted to make an interactive video to help new design students understand what design students can do in the Visual Communications department at CCBC and what the real world looks like for a designer in this global digital world in which we live.

In my Interactive design we made this to promote our interactive story project. It was shown all over campus inviting people to come and get their glamor shots.The video editing and affects was done by me.

A silly video we did for class that never got released do to it needing some fixing with the green screen.when I wrote the scrip for this video we did not know who would be in it at first. However these 4 lovely boys were so kind to lend their voices and faces for the video.

The inspiration for my video, How To Make a Wishing Star, started from my interest in Japanese origami culture in the belief of the meaning behind The Wishing Star. It is said that if you make a certain amount of wishing Stars and give them away to someone, that you wish them good luck and good health. However, if you make 1000 of them they now have a wish they may use one day that could come true.

This is a start to finish process of my animation flight. it starts as a sketch, then I add color, background, and finally, I add in sounds.

The finished project.

we were tasked with making a 52-second video that tells a story. in my story, a girls forgetfulness bites her in the butt as she tries to leave for the day.

for this project, we were tasked with finding a quote that we related to or inspired us. I chose the quote from markiplier "be who you want to be, not who people tell you to be." I was always a weird kid growing up. so knowing that its ok to be different helped me come out of my shell more. 


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